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25th–27th March Krakow Admission free
In the programme:
25th March (Wednesday) PWST, Scena im. Stanisława Wyspiańskiego, ul. Straszewskiego 22
5:00 pm Opening of the conference Speeches: JM, President of the State Theatre School In Krakow, Ewa Kutryś; Dean of the Polish Philology Faculty of the Jagiellonian University, Jacek Popiel and Director of the Grotowski Instytute, Jaroslaw Fret 5:30 pm Speech by Ludwik Flaszen Uwagi o samotności
7:00 pm The Constant Prince, film reconstructed at the Rome University La Sapienza; introduction by Luisa Tinti
26th March (Tuesday)
10:00 am – 2:30 pm Collegium Maius UJ, Sala im. Michała Bobrzyńskiego, ul. Jagiellońska 15 Debate led by Ludwik Flaszen
10:00 am – 12:15pm Beata Guczalska Polskie środowisko teatralne wobec Grotowskiego Zbigniew Osiński Jerzy Grotowski – Zbigniew Raszewski: początek „istotnej rozmowy”? Grzegorz Niziołek Auschwitz – Wawel – Akropolis. Niewczesny montaż przerwa
12:30 pm – 2:30 pm Krzysztof Pleśniarowicz Między maglem a wiecznością Aldona Jawłowska Grotowski i kontrkultura Discussion
PWST, Scena im. Stanisława Wyspiańskiego, ul. Straszewskiego 22 4:30 pm Meeting devoted to the books of Tadeusz Kornas Aniołom i światu widowisko. Szkice i rozmowy o teatrze (Homini, Kraków 2009) and Grzegorz Ziółkowski Guślarz i eremita. Jerzy Grotowski: od wykładów rzymskich (1982) do paryskich (1997–1998) (the Grotowski Institute, Wrocław 2007). 5:30 pm Documentary film screenings:
Report on the visit to Haiti made by Leszek Kolankiewicz, Józef Kwaterko and Grzegorz Ziółkowski from 8 – 15 February 2009 through the endeavor Grotowski – Haiti: culture of vodou. Work-in-progress, organized by the Grotowski Institute.
Film screening: Tiga. Haïti, rêve, possession, création, folie. Directed by Arnold Antonin. Music: Turgot Théodat. Photography: Oldy Joel Auguste. Montage: Kevin Pina. Produced by Unité Audiovisuelle Centre Petion Bolivar, 2001. Shown with consent from the filmmaker. Screening will be presented with English commentary and subtitles.
27th March (Friday) World Theatre Day
10:00 am – 2:30 pm Collegium Maius UJ, Sala im. Michała Bobrzyńskiego, ul. Jagiellońska 15 Debate led by Zbigniew Osiński
10:00 am – 12:15 pm Dariusz Kosiński, Powrót Odysa? Z Jerzym Grotowskim w Nienadówce Virginie Magnat, La fille de quelqu’un: Women’s Creative Research in the Grotowski Diaspora Cláudia Tatinge Nascimento
12:30 pm – 2:30 pm Tihana Maravic, In the Cradle of the Occident. Grotowski Between the Hesychast Silence Józef Kosian Grotowski a mistyka śląska Discussion
PWST, Scena im. Stanisława Wyspiańskiego, ul. Straszewskiego 22
4:00 pm Ludwik Flaszen’s address for 46. International World Theatre Day
4:30 pm Meeting dezoted to Theatre of Sources with participation of Renata M. Molinari, Jairo Cuesta, Pierre Guicheney, François Liège, Zbigniew Teo Spychalski. Facilitated by Leszek Kolankiewicz.
8:00 pm Meeting with Anatoli Vassiliev led by Katarzyna Osinska Conference will be accompanied by the exhibition 50 Years of the Laboratory Theatre, created at the Grotowski Institute by Barbara Kaczmarek (graphic design), Grzegorz Ziólkowski (concept and text), and Duncan Jamieson (revision of English text). Exhibition will be presented at Planty Park near the Collegium Novum Conference conceived by: Jarosław Fret, Tadeusz Kornas, and Grzegorz Ziolkowski
For further details, contact: Magdalena Mądra,
Organized by: Theatre Department of the Polish Philology Faculty of Jagiellonian University The Grotowski Institute Ludwik Solski State Theatre School |