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Programme |
18 th April (Saturday) 8:00 pm Caesarean Section. Essays on Suicide, ZAR Theatre (Poland), P* The Apocalypsis Space of the Grotowski Institute, closed presentation
19th April (Sunday) 4:00 pm Opening of the Festival, Synagoga pod Białym Bocianem
4:30 pm Songs from the Ghetto, Bente Kahan (Norway), C Synagoga pod Białym Bocianem, tickets 30/40 zł
6:00 pm Caesarean Section. Essays on Suicide, ZAR Theatre (Poland), P The Apocalypsis Space of the Grotowski Institute, closed presentation
7:45 pm Caesarean Section. Essays on Suicide, ZAR Theatre (Poland), P The Apocalypsis Space of the Grotowski Institute, closed presentation
9:00 pm Armenian Lullabies, Hasmik Harutyunyan (Armenia), C Kościół pw. św. Antoniego z Padwy, tickets 25/30 zł
20th April (Monday) 8:30/9:00 am – 13:00 pm Work sessions** 3:00 pm Voice in Time, presentation of the film Drevo, Natalka Polovynka (Ukraine), M Teatr Polski, Scena na Świebodzkim, free tickets
4:30 pm The New Chorea – the Body, Voice and Movement – since Antiquy until the present, Tomasz Rodowicz and Chorea Theatre Association (Poland), W Teatr Polski, Scena na Świebodzkim, free tickets
7:00 pm E Cvsi Sia…, Tempvs Fvgit… (Corsica), C Kościół pw. św. Antoniego z Padwy, tickets 25/30 zł
9:00 pm Macbeth, Song of the Goath (Poland), P Song of the Goath Theatre, closed presentation
21th April (Tuesday) 8:30/9:00 am – 13:00 pm Work sessions
3:00 pm The Name of The Sound, Electa Behrens (USA) and Joan Mills (UK), M Teatr Polski, Scena na Świebodzkim, free tickets
4:30 pm Il Pudore della Voce, Teatro delle Albe (Italy), W Teatr Polski, Scena na Świebodzkim, free tickets
7:00 pm Solo, N’faly Kouyaté, (Guinea-Conakry, Belgium), C Teatr Polski, Scena na Świebodzkim, tickets 30/40 zł
9:00 pm On Sunday Morning, Maisternia Pisni (Ukraine), P Brzezinka, Bus departures from Wrocław at 8:00 pm, tickets 25/30 zł
22th April (Wednesday) 8:30/9:00 am – 1:00 pm Work sessions
3:00 pm Methodical presentations with an open discussion, Lalish Theaterlabor (Kurdistan/Austria), W, Teatr Polski, Scena na Świebodzkim, free tickets
4:30 pm Mongolian Khoomi (Overtone) singing, Michael Ormiston (UK) and Tserendavaa (Mongolia), M Teatr Polski, Scena na Świebodzkim, free tickets
7:00 pm The Rusalka Cycle: Songs between the Worlds, Kitka (USA), C Teatr Polski, Scena na Świebodzkim, tickets 25/30zł
8:30 pm Solo concert, Meredith Monk (USA), C Synagoga pod Białym Bocianem, tickets 30/40 zł
23th April (Thursday) 8:30 am – 01:00 pm Work sessions
3:00 pm Caroline Bithell (UK) and Tempvs Fvgit… (Corsica), W Teatr Polski, Scena na Świebodzkim, free tickets
4:30 pm Voices and Sounds from Sardinia: Tenore, concurdu and launeddas, Martino Corimbi (Italy) and Bożena Muszkalska (Poland), W Teatr Polski, Scena na Świebodzkim, free tickets
6:00 pm Scent of Reunion, Vahdat Ensemble (Iran), C Kościół Ewangelicko-Augsburski Opatrzności Bożej, tickets 25/30 zł
7:30 pm The Wild is Rising, Jonathan Hart Makwaia (USA), C Teatr Polski, Scena na Świebodzkim, tickets 30/40 zł
9:00 pm Traditional polyphony from Svaneti, Pilpani Family (Georgia), C Cerkiew katedralna Narodzenia Przenajświętszej Bogurodzicy, tickets 25/30 zł
24th April (Friday) 8:30/9:00 am – 1:00 pm Work sessions
3:00 pm The Outlines of Armenian Monodic Music, Mher Navoyan (Armenia), M Teatr Polski, Scena na Świebodzkim, free tickets
4:30 pm Pneumatics o fan Actor. Theatre out of the Spirit Music, Jarosław Fret (Poland), M Teatr Polski, Scena na Świebodzkim, free tickets
7:00 pm Cantandhe Orosei, Concordu de Orosei and Tenores „Antoni Milia” (Sardinia), C Kościół p.w. św. Antoniego z Padwy, tickets 25/30 zł
9:00 pm Cantes Extremenos – Gipsy flamenco from Badajoz, El Peregrino, La Kaita, El Nene and Alejandro Vega (Spain), C Scena na Świebodzkim, tickets 30/40 zł
25th April (Saturday) 8:30/9:00 am – 1:00 pm Work sessions
3:00 pm Lullabies from the axis of Evil – Music dialogue and human liberation, Erik Hillestad (Norway), M Teatr Polski, Scena na Świebodzkim, free tickets
4:30 pm Voice, Lyre and Crwth: Welsh Poetry and Music from the 6th–18th Century, Bragod (UK), C Kościół Ewangelicko-Augsburski Opatrzności Bożej, tickets 25/30 zł
7:00 pm Dedication to the Setting Sun, Svetlana Spacjic (Serbia), C Kościół p.w. św. Antoniego z Padwy, tickets 25/30 zł
8:30 pm Lullabies. For Life and Death, Javaher Shofani (Palestine) with Giving Voice Friends, C Kościół Ewangelicko-Augsburski Opatrzności Bożej, tickets 25/30 zł
26th April (Sunday) 8:30/9:00 am – 13:00 pm Work sessions
4:30 pm Irmos. Rejoice. Songs to Theotocos, Maisternia Pisni (Ukraine), C Kościół Ewangelicko-Augsburski Opatrzności Bożej, tickets 25/30 zł
7:00 pm Ewangelie dzieciństwa, Teatr ZAR (Polska), P Brzezinka, closed presentation
8:00 pm Final Event, Brzezinka
Detailed information about the festival:
*C – concert, W – work presentation, P – performance, M – meeting
**WORK SESSIONS: 20th–23th April (Monday–Wednesday), 8:30 am – 12:30 am, Lalish Theaterlabor 20th–23th April (Monday–Wednesday), 9:00 am – 1:00 pm, Teatr ZAR, Tempvs Fvgit…, Hasmik Harutyunyan (Wednesday: 11:15 am–14:00 pm), Kristin Linklater, N’Faly Kouyate 23th April (Thursday), 9:00 am – 1:00 pm, Natalka Połovynka, Michael Ormiston, Teatro delle Albe, Meredith Monk and Maryana Sadovska 24th–26th April (Friday–Sunday), 8:30 am – 12:30 pm, Natalka Połovynka 24th–26th April (Friday–Sunday), 9:00 am –12:30 pm, Pilpani Family, Concordu de Orosei, Mahsa and Marjan Vahdat (Suday: 1:00 pm– 4:00 pm), Jonathan Hart Makwaia and Maryana Sadovska