Logo The Grotowski Year 2009
The Grotowski Institute
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City of Wroclaw

Wroclaw European Capital of Culture 2016

the Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Grotowski. A Guide

przewodnik  Author: Dariusz Kosinski 
  Date: June 2009 
  ISBN: 978-83-61835-04-2

  Dimensions: 153x235 mm  
  Paperback: 396  
  Bound: Paperback  
  Illustrations: 378 black and white 


Fragment of the book:   


There has been more than one Grotowski. It is no coincidence that he has been variously referred to as a chameleon, trickster, player, or strategist, as he repeatedly changed his image, attitudes, opinions, location and, what is perhaps the most difficult and painful, his companions.

In a book equivocally subtitled Przewodnik [A Guide], I propose to look, without linear subordination, at what Jerzy Grotowski did and achieved at various stages of his life as a set of diverse values, each of which can be a valuable inspiration. I do not offer a group trip with a pre-arranged itinerary, where one is not allowed to enter unlit corridors, but I want to play the role of a good-natured mine kobold who leads knowledge hunters to various resources in the hope that they will put them to good use. (Author’s Note) 


Dariusz Kosinski (born 1966) is an Associate Professor in the Drama Department of the Faculty of Polish Studies at the Jagiellonian University, Krakow. In his research, he focused on the history and theory of 19th-century acting, a subject he explored in his early books: Sztuka aktorska Wandy Siemaszkowej [Wanda Siemaszkowa’s Acting], Krakow, 1997; Sztuka aktorska w polskim pismiennictwie teatralnym XIX wieku… [Acting in 19th-century Theater Writing...], Krakow, 2003; and Dramaturgia praktyczna. Polska sztuka aktorska XIX wieku w pismiennictwie teatralnym swej epoki [Practical Dramaturgy. Polish 19th-century Acting in Contemporary Writing], Krakow, 2005. Between 2005 and 2008 Kosinski led the research project “Polish 19th-century Theatre Writing” which, among other outcomes, produced a series of publications by the same name, edited by Kosinski himself: Vol. 1: W strone praktyki – podreczniki sztuki aktorskiej [Toward Practice: Acting Manuals], Krakow, 2008; and Hilary Meciszewski’s forthcoming Uwagi o teatrze krakowskim [Remarks on Krakow’s Theatre]. For the last few years, he has investigated the unique character of Polish theatre and performance tradition, which resulted in the book Polski teatr przemiany [Polish Theatre of Transformation], Wroclaw, 2007, and is currently preparing for print his synthesis of the history of Polish performing arts, Teatra polskie – historie [Polish Theatres: Histories]. He also interprets drama (Sceny z zycia dramatu, Krakow, 2004). Together with Ireneusz Guszpit, he prepares editions of Juliusz Osterwa’s theater writing, which have so far included Przez teatr – poza teatr [Through Theatre Beyond Theatre], Krakow, 2004, and Antygona, Hamlet, Tobiasz… [Antigone, Hamlet, Tobias], Krakow, 2007. Kosinski has authored or co-authored a number of books for the general public, including Slownik postaci dramatycznych [Dictionary of Drama Characters], Krakow, 1999; Slownik wiedzy o teatrze [Dictionary of Theatre Studies], Bielsko-Biala, 2005; and Slownik teatru [Dictionary of Theatre], Krakow, 2006.  He contributes to Dialog magazine.