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The Constant Prince |
Author: Pedro Calderón de la Barca/Juliusz Slowacki Preface, edited by: Beata Baczynska Date: November 2009 Dimensions: 120x175 mm
Juliusz Slowacki’s The Constant Prince (from Calderon de la Barca). A Tragedy in Three Parts, a translation of the 17th-century Spanish drama and a masterpiece of Polish Romanticism, is a unique work of literature which the Laboratory Theatre turned into a landmark in the history of 20th century theatre. Grotowski premiered his production in Wroclaw, Poland, in 1965, and soon afterwards, in February and March 1966, took it to Stockholm, Copenhagen and Oslo. The international fame of the Polish Constant Prince was sealed after the Laboratory presented the piece during the 10th Theatre of Nations season in Paris in June 1966. The production, and especially Ryszard Cieslak’s don Fernand, has come to be seen as the embodiment of the Grotowski method. (fragment from the Introduction)
Beata Baczynska – a Hispanist and theatre scholar, Associate Professor at the University of Wroclaw, specializes in the history of Polish theatre and in Spanish Golden Age drama. Her main areas of research include the work of Pedro Calderón de la Barca, on whom she wrote a monograph entitled Dramaturg w wielkim teatrze historii [Dramatist in the Great Theatre of History] (Wroclaw, 2005). She is also a renowned editor involved in projects related to the publication of Calderon’s Autos sacramentales completos Comedias (PROTEO, Universidad de Burgos). She has authored numerous works in Polish and Spanish, most prominently on old Spanish drama in Polish theatrical tradition. Her book Ksiaze Niezlomny. Hiszpanski pierwowzor i polski przeklad [Constant Prince. The Spanish Original and Its Polish Translation] (Wroclaw, 2002) challenged received critical opinion on the role of Spanish literature in Polish Romanticism and the place of The Constant Prince in the history of Polish theatre. |