Logo The Grotowski Year 2009
The Grotowski Institute
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City of Wroclaw

Wroclaw European Capital of Culture 2016

the Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Inauguration of the Grotowski Year
12th January
(Monday), 4:00 pm
The Great Hall of the Wroclaw Town Hall, Old Market Square

Inauguration of the Grotowski Year 2009

Co-hosts: Ludwik Flaszen, Rena Mirecka, Zygmunt Molik  

  • Words of welcome by Jaroslaw Fret, Director of the Grotowski Institute
  • Speech by Bogdan Zdrojewski, Minister of Culture and National Heritage and presentation of the medals Order of Merit and Culture Gloria Artis (the Gold Order for Ludwik Flaszen, the Silver Orders for Rena Mirecka and Zygmunt Molik)
  • Speech by Rafal Dutkiewicz, President of Wroclaw 
  • Speech by Kazimierz Grotowski

Dust – ‘Apocalypsis cum figuris’ in the photographs of Maurizio Buscarino

12th–31st January
The Apocalypsis Space of the Grotowski Institute, Rynek Ratusz 27

12th January (Monday), 6:30 pm

Opening of the exhibition Dust – ‘Apocalypsis cum figuris’ in the photographs of Maurizio Buscarino, organised by the Grotowski Institute in collaboration with the Lower Silesian Photography Centre “Domek Romanski” – Gallery of the Centre for Culture and Art in Wroclaw; spatial arrangement Stanislaw Lose, curator Grzegorz Ziolkowski

Admission free

Grotowski: what was, what is. And what is to be done
13th–15th January
(Tuesday–Thursday), 10 am – 7 pm
The Assembly Hall of the Ossolinski National Institute, Szewska St. 37

International conference Grotowski: what was, what is. And what is to be done

Admission free

13th January (Tuesday), 9:00 pm
The Conference Hall of the Ossolinski National Institute, Szewska St. 37

Film presentation Sacrilegious Rite, Abounding in Sorcery – On Jerzy Grotowski’s Laboratory Theatre, directed by Krzysztof Domagalik, produced by Polish Television, Warsaw 1980; meeting with the director

Krzysztof Domagalik’s film, consulted by Zbigniew Osinski, is one of the most important documentaries devoted to the work of the Laboratory Theatre. It presents the history of the company since the beginning of the group existence until 1980 through the commentary, illustrations such as photographs and fragments of other films, but above all through the speeches of the creators: Jerzy Grotowski, Ludwik Flaszen, Ryszard Cieslak, Zbigniew Cynkutis, Rena Mirecka, and Zygmunt Molik. 

Until now this film was barely known beyond Poland. However, in 2009 it will be released in DVD format with English subtitles by Polskie Wydawnictwo Audiowizualne in collaboration with the Grotowski Institute. It will be presented with English subtitles on 13th January 2009 in the Ossolineum as well.

Admission free

Concert Songs for Grot
14th January (Wednesday), 9.00 pm, T

Museum of Architecture, Bernardynska St. 5

Songs for Grot
Concert of Bauls from West Bengal (India) on the 10th anniversary of Jerzy Grotowski’s death 

Tomasz Jurek:

Meeting with Peter Brook

15th January
(Thursday), 7.00 pm
The Assembly Hall of the Ossolinski National Institute, Szewska St. 37

Meeting with Peter Brook devoted to his book With Grotowski. Theatre is Just a Form, edited by Georges Banu and Grzegorz Ziolkowski with Paul Allain (Wroclaw: Grotowski Institute, 2009; in collaboration with the British Grotowski Project, UK); led by Georges Banu

Admission free

Exhibition 50 years of the Laboratory Theatre12th–31st January
The Old Market Square in Wroclaw

Exhibition 50 years of the Laboratory Theatre

Exhibition created by Barbara Kaczmarek (graphic design), Duncan Jamieson (revision of the English text), Toyotaka Ota (montage of the video presentation) and Grzegorz Ziolkowski (concept and text) 

Grotowski RepeatedPublication of the book Grotowski powtorzony [Grotowski Repeated], edited by Stanislaw Rosiek (Gdansk: slowo/obraz terytoria, 2008), in collaboration with the Grotowski Institute.  

On PerformaticsThe special issue of the journal Performance Research entitled On Performatics – edited by Richard Gough and Grzegorz Ziolkowski (vol. 13, nr 2, June 2008), which is the response to the conference Performance Studies and Beyond, organised at the Grotowski Centre in December 2006 – is also coming out in January 2009.