Logo The Grotowski Year 2009
The Grotowski Institute
  • Polish
  • English
City of Wroclaw

Wroclaw European Capital of Culture 2016

the Ministry of Science and Higher Education

16th March (Monday),  8:45 p.m.
Aula Magna, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy

Jerzy Grotowski The Constant Prince

Centro Teatro Ateneo from Sapienza University and the Polish Institute in Rome are organizing a film screening of a digitally-improved DVD documenting this performance from the Laboratory Theatre, through a project ‘The Constant Prince’ of Jerzy Grotowski. Reconstruction [Il Principe Costante di Jerzy Grotowski-Ricostruzione] directed by Prof. Ferruccio Marotti of Centro Teatro Ateneo. Università di Roma ‘La Sapienza’, Roma 2005, 48 min.

Before the screening, it will be shown an interview with Peter Brook on Jerzy Grotowski, Wroclaw, January 15th 2009, created by Elzbieta Sitek and produced by the TVP S.A. Department in Wroclaw.

After the screening, there will be a public conversation with Ludwik Flaszen and Maja Komorowska. Moderated by Ferruccio Marotti.

This evening is the first event of The Grotowski Year 2009 in Rome organized by The Centro Teatro Ateneo from Sapienza University and the Polish Institute under the patronage of Comune di Roma.


Poster25th–27th March (Wednesday–Friday)
Krakow, Poland

Conference Grotowski: The Solitude of Theatre. Documents, Contexts, Interpretations, organised by the Grotowski Institute, the Ludwik Solski State Higher Drama School in Krakow and the Drama and Theatre Departments of the Faculty of the Polish Philology of the Jagiellonian University.

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27th March (Friday), 4:00 pm
Krakow, PWST, Scena im. Stanislawa Wyspianskiego, ul. Straszewskiego 22

Ludwik Flaszen’s address for World Theatre Day


Stanislaw Scierski. Phot. Maurizio Buscarino
31st March (Friday), 1:00 pm
‘Domek Romanski’, Plac Nankiera 8, Wroclaw

The exhibition Dust. ‘Apocalypsis cum Figuris’ in the photographs of Maurizio Buscarino, organised by the Grotowski Institute in collaboration with the Lower Silesian Photography Centre ‘Domek Romanski’ – Gallery of the Centre for Culture and Art in Wroclaw. Curator Irena Flaszen


Logo Premio Europa per il Teatro
31st March – 5th April
Premio Europa per il Teatro