Eastern Line

18th –19th June (Thursday–Friday)

20th June (Sathurday)

  • 7:00pm–8:15pm Plavo Pozoriste, DANCING WITH FATHER , directed by Nenad Colic (Serbia), 20/25 zl, G
  • 6:00pm–6:30pm Teatr ZAR , GOSPELS OF CHILDHOOD. DIPTYCH , project leader: Jaroslaw Fret (Poland), presentation  within The Night of Theatres, 25 zl (for the price of one ticket you have admission for two performances from The Night of Theatres), IG
  • 8:00pm–8:50pm Lalish Theaterlabor, NO SHADOW. Work in Progress 2006–2009 , directed by Shamal Amin (Kurdistan/Austria), 20/25 zl, B
  • 9:30pm–10:20pm Theatre ZAR , CAESAREAN SECTION.ESSAYS ON SUICIDE , project leader: Jaroslaw Fret (Polska), presentation within The Night of Theatres, 25 zl (for the price of one ticket you have admission for two performances from The Night of Theatres), IG
  • 7:30pm–8:50pm The Song of the Goat Theatre, MACBETH , directed by Grzegorz Bral (Poland), presentation  within The Night of Theatres, 25 l³ (for the price of one ticket you have admission for two performances from The Night of Theatres)P
  • 9:00pm–10:00pm Song In Between, LEADEN BALL: WORK-IN-PROMISE , project leader: Grzegorz Ziolkowski (Poland), 20/25 zl, B  

23th –25th June (Tuesday–Thurdsay)

The first listed price is valid during the pre-sale, through  May 31 . The second listed price is valid beginning  June 1

Marks of places and addresses:

(B) Brzezinka – wyjazd autokaru godzine przed spektaklem spod Arsenalu, ul. Cieszynskiego 9

(G) Sala Gotycka – ul. Purkyniego 1 (wejscie od ul. Piaskowej)

(IG) Sala Apokalipsy, Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego, Rynek-Ratusz 27

(P) Teatr Piesn Kozla – ul. Purkyniego 1